
Junee Correctional Centre
Junee is New South Wales’ largest regional correction centre. While its primary role is to safely and securely house its 790 prisoners, it also seeks to improve their living environments where possible. Requirements to bid for the tender for the lighting retrofit of the facility included:
- Being certified under the NSW Energy Saving Scheme (ESS).
- Having a structured and broad warranty scheme.
- Being able to conduct the installation under a tight time frame.
- Being fully accredited under Australian quality standards.
The Junee Correctional Centre was consuming over $81,000 in electricity on lighting per annum. The LED lighting makeover was a crucial step in improving the accommodation facilities, classrooms and administration areas.
More than 4,500 36W fluorescent lamps were replaced with 15W littil LED tubes. Significant secondary OH&S improvements in lighting lux levels were performed, reaching and exceeding the minimum Australian lighting standards by an average of 250%.
Over the past year since the installation, there have been no light failures reported. This has saved Junee replacing 800 – 1,000 tubes per year and over $10,000 in maintenance costs. Junee can now also enjoy the peace of mind of a consistent warranty period. The GEO Group has noted in particular that the LED lighting is far better suited to the camera recording environment. This is an important point for security considerations and was a welcome addition for the camera technicians.